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5 Tips for Managing Anxiety

It is estimated that 40 percent of adults will experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetime, making it one of the most common mental health concerns in the United States. Over the past year, anxiety levels have increased greatly due to social isolation and feelings of uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

While anxiety itself is common, the symptoms look different for everyone. Some people may have trouble focusing, feel shortness of breath, or experience an increased heart rate. However, no matter the symptoms, anxiety is something that impacts day-to-day life and cannot stopped or controlled. 

“Everyone has experienced anxiety in some way, shape or form,” Dr. Johanna Lu, psychiatrist at Right Track Medical Group said. “But when you are diagnosed with anxiety, you may find yourself avoiding certain activities or freaking out for seemingly no reason. It is a frequent feeling that gets worse as you think about it and it impacts your everyday life.”

Although anxiety often feels overwhelming, those experiencing symptoms may be able to ease their worries through several simple coping mechanisms.

Here are 5 steps to help manage daily anxiety.

1.   Notice when you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety.

Simply identifying your feelings of anxiety can help you find relief. Learn what symptoms of anxiety impact you and try to recognize them as soon as they occur.  

Common symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breath

  • Muscle tension

  • Fatigue

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Feeling on-edge

  • Increased heart rate Sweating

“Take note of the times your palms begin to sweat, your heart rate increases, and your breathing becomes short,” Dr. Lu said. “Remind yourself that you are okay in these situations.”

 2.   Tackle the day one hour at a time.

While many of us are familiar with the saying “take everything one day at a time,” Dr. Lu suggests those suffering from symptoms of anxiety narrow it down even further to one hour at a time. Dr. Lu recommends to think only about the current moment and what can be fixed at that time.

“We tend to worry a lot about the future and things we cannot immediately control,” Dr. Lu said. “To feel in control, we need to think about the moment we are in and ask ourselves what we can do or what we can worry about that can be fixed within the next hour.”

This strategy allows you to feel more in control of your circumstances and release some of the feelings of anxiety that may be troubling you.

3.   Find activities that you enjoy and do them regularly.

In an effort to get your mind off your anxieties, Dr. Lu suggests finding hobbies or activities that bring you joy and provide a distraction from constant worries.

Types of these activities may include:

  • Watching your favorite movie

  • Calling a friend or family member

  • Cooking your favorite meal

  • Binging that show you’ve been wanting to watch

While these activities can help soothe your anxiety in the short term, it is also important to find a balance. If you find that you can no longer meet your obligations or are avoiding responsibilities to perform these self-soothing activities, it may be time to reach out for professional help.

4.   Get some exercise.

Research suggests that exercising releases endorphins into the body that ease stress and pain. Adding exercise to your routine can be as simple as taking a walk around your neighborhood. You can also make exercise part of your daily or weekly routine by regularly going to the gym or group fitness classes. These simple additions to your day can help reduce some of the effects of anxiety and provide you with a healthy outlet for stress.  

5.   Get adequate sleep.

Sleep allows you to “shut off” and recover from the day, providing much needed relief physically and mentally. Dr. Lu recommends six to eight hours of sleep each night to give you renewed energy for the day ahead. 

If you are practicing healthy coping mechanisms and still experiencing negative symptoms associated with anxiety, or find it difficult to manage day-to-day activities, don’t be afraid to reach out for professional help.

To learn more about Right Track Medical Group’s approach to mental healthcare, visit https://www.righttrackmedical.com/about.